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Personal Locator Beacon

Our Personal Locator Beacon device is currently in development. It will allow adventurers to send a signal out when an emergency situation arises.

Mobile App

The mobile app is being developed for iOS and Android devices. It will allow users to track their travels, pre-load maps, and send out location updates.*


*Cell phone reception is required for this feature



Travigate has a passion for the outdoors. Over the past several years, there has been an increase in adventurers exploring the outdoors. This has led to a greater appreciation to nature but it has also resulted in more outdoor-related injuries and emergencies.

Our goal is to provide solutions to help people who are in trouble in the outdoors. No matter if you are a seasoned adventurer with years of experience or a novice explorer, the unexpected can and will happen. Our mobile application and Personal Locator Beacon can assist with getting lost & injured adventurers home safely.

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